8.3 Transformation of Nugget Farming Methods

The funding for Nugget farming comes from the project party. This might seem implausible at first glance, as the prevalent business model positions project parties and users as adversaries. However, if we approach this from the perspective of "advertising," everything becomes entirely feasible.

Do you remember the classic quote by John Wanamaker? He said, "I know that half of my advertising budget is wasted, but I don't know which half."

This statement actually overestimates the effectiveness of advertising. In reality, the vast majority of advertising is wasteful. This is because most of the people who see the ads are not likely to make a purchase, rendering 99% of the expenditure ineffective. This efficient waste constitutes a part of the transaction costs in the entire business society, or one could say, the most substantial transaction cost.

Project developers are constantly grappling with the challenge of user growth. However, apart from conventional methods like token airdrops, gift packages, media exposure, and conference promotions, there seem to be no better solutions. These conventional operational approaches consume the majority of the limited financial reserves of startup teams. For new projects, this is fatal, as once results cannot be evaluated or quantified, they inevitably fall into high-risk traps.

The emergence of iGAMES breaks this deadlock. The scarcest and most precise user base for project parties will materialize within the iGAMES metaverse. This transformation begins with our overhaul of the gaming industry:

The perfect integration of five modes – Free to earn + Play to earn + Learn to earn + Risk to earn + Competition to earn – maximizes the lifespan of each game, preventing it from falling into a "death spiral." This initial accumulation of users in the iGAMES metaverse is completed. Here, project developers will undoubtedly find the user base they need, and we ingeniously propel this accomplishment.

Project developers no longer need to aimlessly distribute a large number of tokens and NFTs to non-target groups for the meager pool of users. They also don't need to squander their primary marketing budgets on ineffective media and advertising platforms.

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